Tuesday, October 14, 2014

'Fight Club' Meetings at Grace Church SP -- an Annual Kickoff 'Main Event' Held

Pictured is Pastor Ryan Peterson speaking at the Fight Club annual kickoff at Grace Church in Southern Pines, N.C.
      (See other photos at the end of the following report. Click on photos to enlarge them.)

Pastor Ryan Peterson served as the main speaker for his yearly Fight Club “kickoff and recruiting” meeting held on Saturday morning, Sept. 20, 2014, at Grace Church in Southern Pines, N.C.

“Fight Clubs” are small groups of men (about 6 to 7 men per group) who meet once a month for an entire year, Peterson said.   

“This commitment to meet together is a commitment to pray for, love, and challenge each other to become more like Jesus, the greatest example of a man we have,” Peterson said. “The Fight Clubs meet to fulfill the vision of ‘training men to be heroes to their families, leaders in their places of influence, and forceful men of God, fighting to advance God’s Kingdom.’”

 Peterson displays an advertisement placed in a newspaper by Ernest Shackleton.

Peterson told of Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922), a tough polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. Shackleton, Irish-born, had no trouble getting men to volunteer to go with him. Peterson said that men want challenges and that Jesus told us “the way” will be hard and narrow but will result in abundant life and peace. He noted that Jesus promises to give “purpose, identity, and life ‘more abundantly.’”

“Jesus is the greatest example of manhood we have,” Peterson said, noting that Fight Clubs involve “men getting around other men.”

“Our nation can be called a fatherless nation,” Peterson said. “And sometimes those who are fatherless are inside the home of a male.”

A leader must first learn to follow, he said, referring to St. Paul’s statement: “Follow me, as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1 KJV).

“God, show me what being a father looks like, what masculinity looks like,” Peterson said. He addressed attendees, saying, “When what fathers say and what they do links up, kids will believe in fathers. Becoming a man looks just more like Jesus . . . Just because we’re male does not make us men . . . Relationship with him [Jesus] is going to allow you to be a hero to your family. Fight for the things that are not seen. You are investors in other men. [We need] men who are willing to invest in other men and not just into their own bank accounts.” Call Grace Church at 910-692-6711 for more information. 

A.J. Catucci (left) and Spencer Nissly acted as hosts for the Fight Club kickoff meeting.

Head Cook: 
Stephen Payne (pictured above) served as the amazing head cook for the Fight Club “main event” kickoff. 

Pictured are (from left) some of the original Grace Church Fight Club members: 
Ryan Peterson, Brad Roback, Jonathan Thornton, Kim Dierdorff, Noah Reese, and Greg Bailey.

Some attendees soak in the message. 

Frank Voelker of Pinebluff loads up on chow at the meeting.

Bobby Craig (left), Grace Church’s production director, and John Winne break for lunch.
Noah Reese (left) and Greg Bailey (from original Grace Church Fight Club) share things they have learned.  

While waiting for lunch, some men admire an exhibit. 

Quinn Dang, Ryan Peterson’s neighbor, brought a “custom Harley” to the meeting. 

Pictured is Ryan Peterson as he preaches at the Fight Club meeting. "Men want challenges," he said. 

Pictured is Ryan Peterson. “The Fight Clubs meet to fulfill the vision of ‘training men to be heroes to their families, leaders in their places of influence, and forceful men of God, fighting to advance God’s Kingdom,’” he said. 

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