Monday, September 17, 2012

Faith & Politics Group Hears Speaker

Pictured are, from left, Robert Potts of Faith & Freedom Coalition and Eddie Nobles of Grace Church

Robert Potts of the “Faith & Freedom Coalition” spoke at an August 22, 2012, meeting of Grace Church’s “Faith & Politics” group, which is led by Eddie Nobles of Whispering Pines, N.C. The meeting was held at Grace Church in Southern Pines, N.C.

Potts, of Duluth, Georgia, serves as the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s deputy national field director. The organization is described as “conservative and non-partisan.” Potts spoke about “getting out the vote” for the upcoming Presidential election.

“The window of opportunity to communicate with voters is closing,” Potts said, noting that network news viewership has decreased 44 percent since 1980 and that people have “varied news sources.”

He said viewers now have more TV choices and that 24 percent (a 2007 statistic) of U.S. households have DVRs (digital video recorders) to assist them with selective viewing.  

“Maybe 75 percent have DVRs, now,” he said, adding that many people now use cell phones and depend on “Caller ID” to screen incoming calls.    

“Twenty-eight percent of Americans have unlisted numbers,” Potts said.

He noted that in 2008, 17 million registered evangelicals did not vote in the U.S. Presidential election.

“John McCain lost by just eight million votes in 2008,” Potts said. “If you don’t have the numbers, you don’t win.”

Photos below show Robert Potts talking with and to Grace Church's Faith & Politics group. (Left-click once on each photo in order to see it larger.)

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